Friday, 20 September 2013

Ghostly goings on... A mini selection of ghost stories we have dug out

The Pennine Way and a few ghostly goings on!

After lots of talking about the route we have realised that for those who aren't maybe as familiar with the UK - You might be thinking - what on earth is The Pennine Way?!  
The Pennine Way as you can see below is a route that winds it way up the 'Spine' of England, taking in the bleakest moors and most beautiful if remote areas of the UK.   It starts at our local 'The Nags Head' pub in Edale (good pint and blazing fires) and heads North, up and over the Peak District national park, the Yorkshire Dales, the Northumberland National Park and finishes in the small Scottish Hamlet of Kirk Yetholm (in the pub - British obsession).
Pennine Way Route

We have done a bit of digging around and have come up with a few ghost stories and myths and legends, which surround sections of The Pennine Way... 

Not that you should still be on the Kinder Scout section of the The Spine Race route come Easter (unless you really have gone the wrong way!),  watch out for the water spirit of Mermaid's Pool, which can be seen far below you as you pass Kinder Downfall waterfall early on the route.  This little critter manifests itself on the Eve of Easter and either promises long life or drags you down into the watery depths.  Take your pick!
Kinder Downfall,

When you cross Bleaklow in the Peak District, watch out for ghostly legionnaires.  In 1932 four climbers near Hope Cross saw an entire Roman legion go by (was this post pub or pre pub?! - referring to the climbers not the ghosts!).  Apparently it has such renown for ghostly goings on that it is speculated that an undiscovered Roman road once cut over Bleaklow linking Snake's Pass with Longdendale.  Legend has it that an entire Roman legion were attacked and buried in the bogs on Bleaklow by local tribes.  The area was certainly well used by Roman legions and a Roman fort stands at Castleshaw.
Bleaklow -
And if you fancy partaking in a well earned beverage at the highest pub in England, the renowned Tan Hill inn, double check who is propping up the bar.  Ghost sightings have led to a team of ghost investigators making a film at the pub.  Don't panic unduly though sounds like a harmless ghosty who likes a puff on his pipe, however if you are thinking of taking an hour's kip in the bunkhouse watch out for a ghost of a boy who pops up to say hello to weary travellers. 
Tan Hill Inn, picture by The Observer
Cauldron Snout the wonderfully named waterfall is said to haunted by a ghost called 'The Singing lady', and on cold moonlit nights she can be seen sitting on a rock near the falls, where she laments the loss of her loved one.
Cauldron Snout

Cross Fell is the highest point on the Pennine Way at 2930ft.  Back in the mists of time this was called Fiend's Fell and devil's were said to inhabit the fell.  The name 'Cross Fell' is said (depending on your source!) to originate from the 7th century and given it by Paulinus an early Christian missionary, or the more dramatic version is that it refers to the 'cross' or 'angry' fiends that lived there.
Cross Fell
And on that note...Good Night!

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